Welcome! It is the last day of May and I am looking forward to the rest of the summer. For those who don't know me, my name is Faith and I live in North Dakota along with my boyfriend and Charlie the cat. At this time, I find myself pregnant with my first child, a boy (or so the ultrasound people told me). Yes, it was a big surprise!
For the people that know me and for myself the idea of me being pregnant and having a child is shocking. I wouldn't classify myself as patient or nurturing. And I am about as tender as a ton of bricks. So, I have a feeling I won't be your normal mom. With just about 3 and half months to go, I have found myself doing things that I wouldn't normally do like going all gooey over duckies and monkeys or wanting to look at baby clothes.
I won't say that I enjoy being pregnant. As a matter of fact, I can't wait for this part to be over. It may sound completely selfish for me to say, but I feel like my body is my own. I'm not a fan of gaining weight and I still don't like looking at the scale. I think for me that is one of the most difficult parts. When you have worked to lose weight and now it is normal to gain weight, it makes me feel uncomfortable. Daddy to be is such a sweetheart and lets me know how beautiful he thinks I am, but some days I still struggle especially the days when I need to step on the scale at the doctor's office. Then I remember that once the baby is here, I can work on getting back in shape and I will have a little one to help grow.
On a lighter note, I really miss being able to have a margarita or strawberry vodka cocktail in the summer warmth. Sure I can have some lemonade or a non-alcoholic smoothie or icee, but I have always enjoyed relaxing after a long day, sipping a cocktail. That is the one thing I look forward to returning to . Except when the baby gets here in September, you never know what the weather will be here, so I may have to switch to a cold weather beverage.
So now that you know a lot more about me then your probably wanted to, you might be wondering why I am starting this new blog and why at this moment in time. Well the answer to the second question is quite simple, I have a lot of time on my hands and now that it is summer, I feel like I can devote time to such an endeavor. (Plus I can play around with my photography skills outdoors.)
As for why I am starting this new blog in the first place, it has a two-fold purpose. I wanted a place to chronicle the exciting recipes, crafts, and other things I am trying out to occupy my time. I also wanted a place to express my feelings about this wacky pregnancy journey.
So, I hope you will stop in now and then to see what is happening in my little corner of the world.
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